Our research team came together after sharing our experiences with disseminating our research and work outside of traditional academic spaces. Given the growing focus on translational research- ensuring academic work is applied to and with the populations of study- we recognized the importance of formally examining self promotion processes for faculty that often face barriers due to their intersectional identities, areas of research, and access to resources. We applied for and were awarded a grant from the American Psychological Association's Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs via the Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention, and Training in Psychology II (CEMRRAT2) Task Force. This project is a result of this funding mechanism and our desire to engage in Research to Share! Start sharing your research on social media platforms using #Research2Share
Dr. NiCole Buchanan
Associate Professor of Psychology
Michigan State University
NiCole T. Buchanan, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University whose research focuses on harassment and its impact on organizational climate, employee well-being, and professional development. Specifically, she examines the interplay of race, gender and victimization and how social identity dimensions impact the nature of harassment (e.g., racialized sexual harassment; Buchanan & Ormerod, 2002, Buchanan et al., 2018), how it is perceived by targets and bystanders, its impact on psychological, occupational, and academic outcomes, and organizational best practices.
Dr. Buchanan is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, four divisions of the American Psychological Association (Society of Clinical Psychology, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, and Society for the Psychology of Women), and has received national and international awards for her research, teaching, and professional service.
She has been highlighted in hundreds of media outlets, is a featured speaker including TEDx and National Public Radio (NPR), and provides bias and diversity-related training and consultation for medical professionals, academic and practicing psychologists, human resource managers, and campus, city, and state police departments.

Dr. Kim Case
Director of Faculty Success
Virginia Commonwealth University
Kim A. Case, Ph.D., is a social (experimental) psychologist by training and applies critical race theory, feminist theory, queer theory, and intersectional theory to her teaching, research, and service. Her mixed-methods research examines ally behavior & interventions to increase understanding of intersectionality and systemic privilege, reduce prejudice, and create inclusive spaces. Her pedagogical scholarship emphasizes teaching for social justice and includes two books: Deconstructing Privilege: Teaching and Learning as Allies in the Classroom (2013) and Intersectional Pedagogy: Complicating Identity and Social Justice (2017). In 2019, the American Psychological Association’s Committee on Women in Psychology honored her as the Distinguished Leadership Awardee. Dr. Case is also a recognized Fellow in four national associations including the American Psychological Association.

Dr. Dionne Stephens
Associate Professor of Psychology
Florida International University
Dionne Stephens, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Florida International University, has been a featured speaker at several conferences discussing networking, the use of digital platforms for increasing research visibility, and the importance of engaging in translational research to ensuring findings are disseminated to the populations that most need the research. Dr. Stephens has also lead several translational research workshops that address integrating online tools in teaching, service, and research activities for application across diverse contexts. Further, she has engaged in numerous community-academic collaborations that center the use of e-interventions for reaching underserved and resource-limited communities.
Dr. Stephens' work has been featured in Elle Magazine, Hollywood Reporter, Associated Press, NPR, and Univision, among others.